Seeds and Plants – Wednesday

We read one of our new favorite books Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds.  I read it at circle time and I probably 6 more times after.  We also read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom again; most of the children can just about read it all by themselves now!  We planted carrot seeds in 2 liter bottles and made our own carrots by ripping orange paper and gluing it on a carrot cut out.  I also added some green strips for the carrot tops and some eyeball stickers if they chose to turn their carrot into a creepy carrot from our book.

Thank You, Miss Tiffany, for helping me this morning!

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Seeds and Plants

Spring is in the air and this always puts me in the mood to plant things.  I do not have a green thumb, but I love to try!  That is why I love to start seeds and send them home for you to keep them alive!  Today, we planted an herb garden for school.  We planted cilantro, oregano, basil, and parsley. I can’t wait to use the fresh herbs we are growing!  Fingers crossed I can keep them alive!  I hope the kiddos will help remind me to water them!

Now that we are done with our letter of the week we will do many letter activities that include the whole alphabet or letters that are important to the students… like the letters in their name.  Today we read my favorite alphabet book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom; This book will be in the classroom for the rest of the school year, and I am sure read over and over again.  We will also be working on writing our letters and names in a more formal way since they have been exposed to every letter of the alphabet now.

We read the book Whose Garden Is It? by Mary Ann Hoberman.  I love this book!  The garden is claimed by the gardener, bugs, animals, sun, rain, seeds… the children all agreed that all of the things are important to help a garden grow. Billy bought kinetic sand for our sensory table.  If you haven’t played with this yet, you should!  It is so cool!

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Happy Arbor Day

To celebrate the importance of trees we made tree art today.  We reused paper towel rolls by cutting them and using them as the trunk of the tree and then tore pieces of green scraps of paper for the leaves of the tree.  We also played in “Earth” shaving cream!  It was fun and messy!  Have a wonderful weekend!


One of our friends lost a tooth!!

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Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

We found and circled the letter J in our J song.  We painted the big rocks we found on our outside trash pick-up yesterday!  We did stick songs and lots of playing!

REMINDER: Please, return the forms I sent home so I know how many children will be attending PLA Summer Academy and who needs a spot for next fall.  Thank You!

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Happy Earth Day!

For Earth Day we picked up all of the trash around our school.

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Our J song talked about James and Judy jumping rope.  They wanted to try jumping rope so we got it out during music and movement time.  This is not something we have mastered yet!  They were super cute trying and they were experts at jumping over cones and cups!

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Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

For music and movement time we did stick songs.  We sang our J song and “tapped it out” this is their favorite part of circle time.  We always have to listen to our letter song at least twice!  We reused paper towel tubes at art time; we made stamps with some of them and the rest were cut and used to create whatever they wanted.  Some kiddos also added recycled lids to their artwork.

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Reuse, Reduce, Recycle – Monday

This week our letter of the week is J and it is also the last letter!  We are done with the alphabet… we will spend the rest of the year reviewing all of the letters!  Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22nd.  We will be talking about things we can do to help our Earth this week!  Today, we painted with some small plastic Earths I recycled from the top of our animal tubes.  We also discovered our Earth appears mostly blue and green from space so we painted with those 2 colors.  Miss Coli from the Camden County Library came and read to us for the last time this year.  Thank You Miss Coli for a great year!  We will see you in October!

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We had special visitors today from the Camden County Health Department and the MO Water Patrol.  They talked to the children about life jacket safety and they all promised they would never go near the water alone.  They also promised to always wear a life jacket.

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We found the letter T and circled them.  We also learned that if you need to go potty you can say it in sign language by making the letter t and shaking it.  We have done so much product art (art that all looks the same) this week because of the float… my least favorite and the children’s least favorite, too.  I let them express some of their creativity by letting them finger paint today!

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