
Our last day of Egg week, and it has been a fun week!  Today we read An Extraordinary Egg It is a silly book about 3 frogs that find what they think is a chicken egg, but is really an alligator egg.  We revisited some of our favorite activities from this week and drew a picture of an oviparous animal, cut out and egg, and put it on top of it to look like it had hatched.  We wrote in our journals and enjoyed the beautiful morning weather.  Have a wonderful Weekend!

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Ask your child tonight if they can tell you what Oviparous means.  I taught my mom a new word today, maybe they can teach you one too :o)  We read Chickens Aren’t The Only Ones.  We learned that there are many oviparous animals, or animals that lay eggs.  I gave all of the children 3 pictures of animals and we sorted them by Oviparous or Not Oviparous.  They are fast learners and if they did have trouble their friends were very willing helpers.  We made and walked on a balance beam at the playground.  At the table we did “magic painting” or color resistant painting I wrote each child’s name in white crayon on an egg and the children used water color to paint over and reveal a secret message.  They were so excited when they realized it was a word they knew how to read!  Our VIP shared a fun game with us!

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Walking on Eggs

What a fun day we had today!  We walked on eggs!  As long as the eggs are pointed up and not sideways children can walk across them without breaking them!  Read the science behind it here… They loved this so much!  I am sorry if they are wanting to play with all of your eggs at home now, but hey, at least they are excited about learning!!  We also tried to put Humpty Dumpty back together again using bandages.  You may think this is a huge waste of bandages and yes it kind of is, but it is a wonderful fine motor skill.  It is hard getting those bandages open!  And I got 3 boxes for under $3.00 so totally worth it!  Our VIP shared her letters from her mom and dad today.  We have also received a few more grandparent letters!

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