Hibernation and writing

We started our morning with play dough as an option.  Play dough is always a popular choice.  We read Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See, and made snowy caves.  I have had some children that are becoming frustrated with not being able to write their names as well as they would like; this is something we work on, but it is usually in the way of write your name on the back of your paper.  Some can, some write a letter or two, some just scribble, but these are all acceptable for their age.  I don’t push it we don’t write our name over and over and over, when they are ready it will look more and more like their name.  I do “help” them, and encourage them to try every day, and by the time they go to Kindergarten they are writing their name.  That being said I also let the children guide our curriculum (I use that term loosely) we don’t really follow a curriculum in a play based setting, but some of the children in this group really want to write their name!  So, this week we have spent a lot of time writing our names.  We explored static electricity in the motor room with balloons.  Our VIP shared his superman toy, a camera, and his adventures with our bear Norman.

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