Learning Through Play


You may be wondering, “What is a play based preschool?”
Through Play is how children learn best. A play based preschool promotes participation in age-appropriate activities, such as  hands-on play, group story-time, and themed activities. Unlike a daycare or schools that are largely curriculum centered, you won’t find kids wandering aimlessly at PLA nor are they expected to sit quietly for long periods of time doing worksheets. Our students are encouraged to learn through kids playing at Play Learn Achieve Academyplay, they have a say in what they learn and how they learn it.
They have the opportunity to play outside every day (in inclement weather- our free activity room contains balls, parachutes, balance toys, etc); outside time isn’t sacrificed for more instructional time. Teachers read books to children individually or in small groups throughout the day, not just at group story time.
One huge benefit of play based learning is our program was adapted for those who are ahead as well as those who need additional help. Our teachers recognize that different background and experiences mean that not all kids learn at the same rate or the same way. Most of all, the kids at PLA look forward to coming to school every day!
My passion is teaching children. I love what I do, and I am always so excited to introduce the children to something new. I love watching them take a new idea and use some old knowledge to put their own spin on it. I also love being an observer of how children play. It is our job to teach them their letters, numbers, shapes, colors, math, writing, creating, social, fine motor, gross motor skills, and even reading without them even knowing they are learning! You can teach a child so much by just getting down on their level and playing with them. Expand their play, ask them questions, challenge their thinking, show them a new way to try something, research a subject they are interested in. The best thing you can do for your child… be available to PLAY!
Below are some of the centers you might see around our school and what your child may learn from each. It may look like they are just playing, but look closer and you will understand that for a child playing IS serious learning.
Click a photo below to view a slideshow and learn the benefits of each station.


Thanks for reading!
Miss Carina :o)

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